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1535 days
Paying: 0
Waiting: 0
Problem: 0
Not Paying: 2 hyip Thumbnail
Rank: No Rank Change: No
  • Plans Risk: Moderate Low
  • Min: $20.00
  • Referral: 5%
  • Payments type: Manual
  • Hosing: OVH SAS
  • SSL:  Good
  • BlitzScript: not licensed
  • Design matches:  No match
  • Sleeper:  No
    HYIP Monitors:
  • Count: 4
  • Investment: $280.00
  • Average inv: $140.00
  • RCB deposits:
  • Total: $230.00
  • Today: $0.00
  • Yesterday: $0.00
Monitors Level (Bronze 1)
RCB Level (Bronze 1)

Bad: 0 Neutral: 0 Good: 0 Very Good: 0

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<% comment.user %> (<% comment.time %>) <% getRatingText(comment.rating) %>   <% comment.text %>
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Comments are disabled for this program. Charts HYIP Monitors

Name Monitored (days) Investment Payout ratio Status RCB deposits
<% %> <% monitor.monitored %> <% formatMonitorInv(monitor.investment) %> <% formatMonitorPR(monitor.payout_ration) %> <% monitor.status %> <% currencyFormat(monitor.amount) %> RCB

Monitor name 1st deposit Re-deposit Total RCB deposits
<% row.monitor_name %> <% currencyFormat(row.first_deposit) %> <% currencyFormat(row.re_deposit) %> <% currencyFormat(row.monitor_deposits) %>
Date Amount
<% %> <% currencyFormat(row.amount) %>
Monitor name Date Amount Wallet Status
<% row.monitors_name %> <% %> <% currencyFormat(row.amount) %> <% row.wallet %> <% row.status %>
Spinner General Information

Their company has more than 10 years of experience in the development of the industry of equipment for molecular water purification. In 2019 they called the most promising projects aimed at improving the environment and raising the level of human life. Over the years they Interactive, was able to achieve significant results and overcome many difficulties. At the moment their equipment in a limited number uses a cleansing enterprise of the Russian Federation, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Canada. Every year they continue active development of their patented technology, allowing the maximum amount to maintain the nutrients and minerals in the water, by removing all unnecessary. Their path was thorny, because until the molecular purification was done based solely, as a theoretical project for the future. At that time, it would increase the cost of water and seeing the real result of the health Ministry had to impose a ban on that method of cleaning. The preservation of useful elements together with cleaning reaches 99,60%, in contrast, 73,20% of the standard. Their team of scientists, activists, engineers, designers and managers able not only to reveal the essence Interactive but also to supply the production of such equipment on the conveyor. At the moment their method of cleaning is cheaper than classic, so they open the borders and begin to operate with cleaning companies around the world. Their main goal and motivation are improving global health around the world. Water is life, and they were able to significantly improve its quality. Therefore, over time, every home in Russia, Kazakhstan, America, Israel or India will be truly clean water. They really want to give joy and energy to the children, parents and the enjoyment of life, by strengthening immunity, for young people. The whole team Interactive offers to learn more about their project to investors and publicists who wish to invest in something that will change the whole world in general and the culture of water use in particular. This is a real opportunity to affect something global, something that will affect them all and will make life better. We, in turn, with each passing day they continue development, improving equipment and testing new methods of molecular purification. Their ultimate goal is a unique cleaner in every family. And they will achieve it!
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Hosting provider OVH SAS
IP address
Registered date 2020-01-30
Expiring date 2021-01-30
Provider Sectigo Limited
Type Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
EV (Extended Validation) No
Created date Jan 30 00:00:00 2020 GMT
Expiration date Jan 29 23:59:59 2021 GMT


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